Running running running ...organizing Teresa´birthday party.She will be 4 tomorrow
My daughter ask me for a huge cream and gummy bear i bought Vanille vegan cream and vegan gummy bear without sugar let´s see what i ll will create.
I´ll make some pizza and small fruits and soy yogurt cakes, friends will bring get ready for a lot of children action :)
My belly is growing huge, my midwife said that Tilda could be around 2.2 and 2.5 kg now..and i have 6 weeks to go, Teresa was almost 4kg so maybe another big girl. The first months of pregnancy were terrible, i felt to tired and the nausea killed me all the day until the end of the 4 months, nothing really worked, but with the time it goes better, i had a contraction problem a month ago for sure caused by the stress i was going trough but with a lot of rest magnesium and fuck you very much thing goes better, i gain 11kg and that´s good i fell more fit rather that with the time before..i gained almost 20kg with Teresa and i fell like a beached whale.
Brava Kiki, sento tanta voglia di essere positiva e felice e con il nuovo arrivo mi sembra necessario per tutti! ;)
RispondiEliminatantissimi auguri a Teresa, domani sarà un giorno fantastico!
tesora che darei per essere con voi in questo giorno fichissimo! tanti auguri a teresa ma anche a te e a tilda. che trip da paura! spero d vedervi presto! ♥!